In Memory
This Photo of Tom Simper taken 1961 - (Tom Died June 7th 1982)
TOM SIMPER was one of the 12 (men & women) who met in August 1963 in Dr Hugh Shaw's sitting room for discussion regarding the formation of the Sanctuary. Tom became a founding member, he chaired the 2nd meeting in October when formal resolutions were made.
It was April 1964 that the "Eric Joseph Foote War Memorial Sanctuary" was officially up and running.
Tom Simper was elected the first President. He was actively involved in the early work parties, his energy and interest never wavered.
The walkway construction between Eckersley Avenue and the Sanctuary was named by Council "The Tom Simper Walk" and is dedicated to his commitment.
NORMAN JACKSON - A White Cedar (Melia azederach) was planted in Norman's memory on the Southern Boundary track.
MR BLOXSOME - A Tulip Wood (Harpulia pendula) was planted in Memory of Mr Bloxsome. He was an active member of the Sanctuary, also, he or his Father discovered a new species of Eucalyptus which was Called after him (Eucalyptus bloxsomi)
In 2018 a timber Lych Gate was erected as an entry statement at the entry to Tom Simper walk in Eckersley Avenue using grant funds from Buderim Foundation for the purchase of materials.
Memorials in Foote Sanctuary
The Foote Sanctuary Association is occasionally asked to place a memorial to family members who loved and or worked in the sanctuary. There is a Sunshine Coast Council policy for memorials and since the Foote Sanctuary is jointly managed by the association and the council, this policy must be complied with.
The aims of the association are to preserve Foote Sanctuary's natural environment and eco-system; honour its history; and promote community involvement and enjoyment of the reserve for today and future generations. The Sanctuary is recognised as a “Living Memorial”.
We acknowledge and respect the work and love for the forest by hundreds of locals and visitors since the formation of the association.
We also acknowledge that people have cared for and worked for the forests here for tens of thousands of years, and pay respect to the original custodians, the Kabi Kabi (or Gubbi Gubbi) people.
With this respect for the forest past, present and our future ambitions, we humbly recognise the trees as longer lasting contributions to the forest than any plaque, memorial stone or board of names.
We invite those who wish to remember their loved ones to plant an appropriate tree in their honour in consultation with the association.
We will endeavour to record your loved one's details with the tree's location on our website and meeting minutes as a living archive.
If you would like to plant a memorial tree, please contact the Foote Sanctuary Association by [email or phone] where we can discuss a suitable site and appropriate tree for that site, as the Foote Sanctuary Association has a list of suitable trees endemic to the area.
What will happen?
· A suitable site will be agreed upon.
· A suitable endemic tree species will be agreed upon.
· A date and time for planting will be set.
· A list of possible attendees will be supplied to the Foote Sanctuary Association.
· You may wish to make a donation to the Foote Sanctuary Association.
On the day, the Foote Sanctuary Association will have the site prepared and the tree supplied. Photos of the event will be taken.
The location of the site will be noted and recorded in the Association’s list of Memorial Trees and this event will be recorded at the next meeting of the Foote Sanctuary Association.
In the event that the planted tree does not survive, in the first three years it will be replaced with a healthy seedling of the same species at no cost by Foote Sanctuary volunteers.